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Friday, February 3, 2012

New Super-Earth!

Well, I am a big science/planets freak >_< the only thing that can attract me to read any type of news and get me interested is science. I just recently read that a new alien planet has found a Super-Earth that may support life
"This planet is the new best candidate to support liquid water and, perhaps, life as we know it," Anglada-Escudé said in a statement.

The researchers estimate that the planet, called GJ 667Cc, is at least 4.5 times as massive as Earth, which makes it a so-called super-Earth. It takes roughly 28 days to make one orbital lap around its parent star, which is located a mere 22 light-years away from Earth, in the constellation Scorpius (the Scorpion).

Although is a great candidate for us to live in but scientist says a big planet like this one is not good. "When a planet gets bigger than about 10 times the size of the Earth, there's a runaway process that happens, where it begins to eat up all the gas and ice in the disk that it's forming out of and swells quickly into something like Uranus, Jupiter or Saturn," Vogt explained.

...well they have been discovering a lot of Earth-size  planets which over Million throughout the galaxy and shockingly it's a surprise for them, but to find a Earth type planet was hard before but now they said is getting easier which tell us there are lot more Earth type planet and maybe can be in similar size like ours so there is no risk in future danger in living there.

The scientist have said there is more planets than stars now which is kind of cool. I hope they found a new planet for us to live in i really want to experience it before I leave this world >_<.

This artist's impression shows Earth alongside the super-Earth known as 55 Cancri C, which is thought to be a little more than twice as wide as our planet and 7.8 times as massive.
