My First Blog ....

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

HK weather not expected!!

I never expect Hong Kong to be was extreme cold..wasnt prepare for it probably i didnt but any clothes that are suitable to wear during winter time. I would think it would have been colder this year in HK probably because i live here now. Everyone told me its never really this cold in HK but it always happen when i go to certain country when things just dont go as plan or what it seems to happen especially i didnt bring enough warm winter clothes. I think you should know what i am talking about, right... >_<...well hopefully it will warm up soon.....

this is what it look like all day, didnt want to go out in that..please warm up soon >_<

Anyways enough of that Chinese New Year is coming up in end of Jan. I am excited..need some red envelope!!!!! YEAR OF THE DRAGON!!!!


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