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Friday, January 20, 2012

How to get rid of Scars and make your skin more beautiful!

Well, to start scars are a natural part of the body's healing process. A scar results from the biologic process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues. Most wounds, except for very minor ones, result in some degree of scarring. Scars can result from accidents, diseases, skin conditions such as acne, or surgeries.

Well, getting to the bottom line on some ways to get rid of unwanted scars to make you skin beautiful!

There are only few methods to help get rid of unwanted scars, so if you really have problems with it, try some of the methods I found would be really helpful. Each one has little details, this will help you understand each type of method that can benefit you the most .
Topical treatments, such as vitamin E, cocoa butter cream, and several commercial skin care products are available over-the-counter with the claim to help heal scars but are not effective.
Dermabrasion. This treatment involves the removal of the surface of the skin with special equipment. Dermabrasion is useful when the scar is raised above the surrounding skin; but, it is less useful for the treatment of sunken scars. Microdermabrasion is a much less invasive form of dermabrasion and may be somewhat useful for very superficial scars.
Laser resurfacing . This procedure, similar to dermabrasion, removes the surface layers of the skin using different types of lasers. Newer types of lasers may achieve more subtle results by working on the collagen in the dermis without removing the upper layers of skin. This advancement results in little to no down time as opposed to traditional laser resurfacing and dermabrasion, which requires a longer recovery.
Filler injections. These treatments can be used to raise sunken scars to the level of surrounding skin. The effects of these injections are only temporary, however, and the procedures may need to be regularly repeated. Newer forms of injectable fillers are now on the market and may be an option for some people.
Hope this will help you understand what treatment will be right for you, this will totally help get rid of the unwanted scars and make you feel and look beautiful again. We do not have to worry about hiding the hideous scars on our face and body.

Just remember after treating the scars protect your skin from the harsh sun with sunscreen, wash your face with gentle milk cleanser (day/night) and moisturizer!  ^_^


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