My First Blog ....

Hope everyone will enjoy my thoughts and feeling. Please, check out my other pages, on the side bar. Thank you!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Poon Choy

I'm gonna share a canton style pot dish called Poon Choy, were they have 22 types of meat and veggies a pot of soup which its serve hot and you eat it while is cooking the dish. I can't say is something I would eat everyday but its something to try ^_^


Sherlock Holmes

I haven't watch a movie in a long last night i went to watch Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows...which i have been waiting forward in watching since i saw the movie poster in HK...Super excited bc i love Robert Downey Jr. since I watched Iron Man ^____^ plus i like Jude Law .....Anyways the movie itself is really good I love the fight scene, were they do the slow motion in the movie >_<...I can say its not a bad movie I think the first one is still the best (like all sequel movie the first is always the best ^_^)...If you like the Sherlock Holmes its worth to watch, at least to me!! Two Thumps Up for Me!!!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cherishing my life this morning!

I woke up this morning, feeling kind of good. I felt blessed to be here and grateful to have certain things in my life. Although I'm not rich or have any idea what I am doing in my life right now, but thinking about all the positive things that had happen to me, made me happy and grateful!

I hope everything will turn out right next year and things will run smoothly! Until I know my purpose in life would be, I am still in a maze trying to figure out the way to get exit. When I am able to escape this maze things will still be confusing and a mess for me, but in the mean time I will think positive and try to be grateful that I am still alive and be able to see this world in greater depth!

I pray for everyone to have guidance to their future and happiness. If you ever feel lonely or unhappy, there is always someone that will hear you and listen to your prayers...look up and believe..things will turn out right once you think positive. You can only bring bad things to yourself if your always negative. Only positive things happen for positive people in this world. Once you understand that this world will be simple and easy to live upon.

Although I am still learning to be positive all the time, I try to look or think of all the greatness in life like your family and friends. Cherish those moments you have with them, when your down think of the things you have done with them in the past that make you laugh or happy, that really help get me through the hard times. When you do that happy things will definitely appear..SOON!!



Thursday, December 15, 2011


Times has fly...i mean its already Friday and nothing really had happen with my life that been interesting...the only thing had happen this week was meeting my good friend for dinner and took some mini pictures in Mong kok..which was fun my first time doing it with a friend...

Well, lets talk about today I mean nothing much, went to work then afterwards ate with my Aunt.....had Hotpot tonight it wasn't really good but its still not bad ^_^ much hotpot lately its a tradition for Cantonese to hotpot throughout the year even its not cold...I only to do hotpot winter time...when i do, do hotpot i always get sore throat ..T_T not good too much heat not good for throat eating it too much even though its really yummy!!!! Next time i will upload a picture i dont have one for tonight but i have an older picture of me eating hotpot with my relatives.....not many people know whats a hotpot only Chinese people love doing this will be interesting for people that haven't done this >_<...all i have to say, if you haven't tried better try it soon bc its totally awesome especially in winter time!!! ^_^

I guess the awkward part of the day for how work ended so fast and nothing interesting has happen...feels like i wasted my day...n couple more week is end of the year...realizing how I haven't done much.....kind of freak me out


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mascara !!!

I love having fabulous eyelashes I always buy the best one in the market and i don't like buying too cheap...but sometimes I make exception like L'oreal and Revlon...I always have minimum of 2 I switch off...right now I have 5 mascara ...trying to figure out which ones work for me..especially my lashes been mess up from fake eyelashes i have use in the if you have great lashes already don't use fake...i regret now...i use to have think and long now...its all spread out and weird when i put mascara doesn't have the volume i use to have..T_T..well I just bought this HR Lash Queen Fatal Blacks hopefully is as great as the box looks >_< hehe.. and be equally great like Diorshow and Make up forever!!! Better not be wasting money for a crappy mascara again..little tired of searching....


Argh haven't Update anything for awhile!!

Well, sorry readers i haven't update for awhile been really busy with my life.
Did not have any mood to write or update....
I feel better now i guess, although there is still stuff i need to handle with my future career, at my age lot of things can go on a lot and thing might not go the things you wanted. I have been up and down, no safe or comfortable path...and i need to find what i want to do. I am not getting any younger so figuring things need to be fast and serious about everything i do, so it is hard when I am stuck in this position but once i get it straight, I will be happy and things will be more confusion or sadness of going certain directions. Hopefully I get that going starting next year, especially time has pass by super quick, I can't believe is already the end of the year. Feel like nothing had happen in my life and I feel like i wasted, so next year I need to cherish my time every day!!! ^_____^

Well, this song been helping me a lot and it reminds me of myself...feel like I'm singing this about me how i feel when things is not going right...all you have to do is don't give up and start over again...

I love Lady Gaga and I wish I get to meet her one day and go to her concert which i missed out when she went to Atlanta this year...I was stupid thought i was leaving for HK at the time so didn't buy it but i didn't leave yet which pissed me off bc she had her concert down the street from where i live >_<

I hope you guys Enjoy this as much as I do !! Because....

I’m gonna marry the night.
I won’t give up on my life.
I’m a warrior queen.
Live passionately tonight.

I'm gonna marry the dark.

Gonna make love to the stark.
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness.
I am a winner.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Gonna marry the night.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm not gonna cry anymore.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explore.

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.
Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.

I'm gonna lace up my boots
Throw on some leather and cruise
Down the street that I love
In my fishnet gloves
I'm a sinner.

Then I'll go down to the bar.
But I won't cry anymore.
I'll hold my whiskey up high
Kiss the bartender twice
I'm a loser.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm gonna marry the night.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm not gonna cry anymore.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explore.

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.
Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.

Nothing's too cool
To take me from you.
New York is not just a tan that you'll never loose.
Love is the new
Denim or black
Skeleton guns
Are wedding bells in the attic.
Get Ginger ready.
Climb to El Camino front.
Won't poke holes in the seats with my heels
Cuz that's where we make love.

Come on and run.
Turn the car on and run.

I'm gonna marry the night.
We're gonna burn a hole in the road.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explode.


What is Perfect or Unperfect??

No One is Perfect, So We should Love our self no matter what. Sometimes being Unperfect can be good, So when we do something Amazing, We will Cherish Even More and Enjoy Life!!!! ^_^


Sensitive Skin Solution!

If skin care products spell skin problems for you, you may have sensitive skin.
Which is defined as hyperreactive skin, that easily reacts to environmental or topical factors, including hard water and cosmetics. Instead of calling "sensitive skin," it is better to call this syndrome "self-perceived sensitive skin." (SPSS)

3 types of sensitive skin:

1. Severe sensitive skin: environmental (pollution, wind, cold and heat), topical (products, cosmetics and hard water) and internal (stress, spicy/hot food and menstruation)

2. Sensitive skin to environment

3. Sensitive skin to topical factors

Well, don't be scared by these skin care product or environmental factors as long you use gentle products, you may well find yourself having less sensitive skin problems.

Even though there are a lot of products that says it's for sensitive skin and chemical free, it does not mean it's completely free of preservatives, chemical and for sensitive skin. It just means they take out most of the harsh chemical or put less in the products( less ingredients doesn't mean better for sensitive skin), so people who get allergic reaction easily wont be affected, which causes to have sensitive problems.

Another important factors people should know, products that has color or not, does not mean it is not gentle for our skin. In our mind "white" is a clean and safe color that give us comfort on using the products. Many mixture of ingredients combine together become certain colors, so when you buy a product that is white it's not necessary the actual color that was made from, having it white does not mean its chemical-free. So do not be fool by colors, more importantly just check on the product labels and ingredients. Found out what your allergic and using a product that is free of that can help prevent less sensitivity in your skin.

Read on to find out how:

Sensitive Skin Care: The Right Cleansing Routine
If you’re using soap it can be harsh, so switch to a gentle soap-free liquid cleanser.
Try, free of fragrance and other unnecessary ingredients that only boost the risk of irritation, Soap-free liquid cleansers can also be tissued off, instead of rinsed, and are also available in bar form.

Try these other tips to cut down on skin problems:
Don’t use products that contain acids. This includes salicylic acid, a staple in acne cleansers.
Don’t use deodorant or antibacterial soaps. It is unnecessary in most skin care products, I do not recommend using unless there’s an active infection that needs to be treated.
Scrub your face gently. Using a rough wash cloth or buff puff can irritate your skin. Instead, gently cleanse your face with your fingertips or a soft cloth and pat dry.
Sensitive Skin Care Products: Moisturizers and Sunscreens
Moisturizers can prevent sensitive skin from becoming dry and irritated, but keep things simple. Avoid those with fragrance or many ingredients.

Sensitive Skin Care Products: Moisturizers and Sunscreens continued...
Sunscreens are essential for avoiding sun damage and it's aging effects on skin. There are two types of sunscreens:
Chemical sunscreens work by absorbing the sun’s rays. (this can be little irritating to some people skin)
Physical sunscreens work by reflecting/blocking light. They contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are less likely to provoke reactions in people with sensitive skin or allergies to chemical sunscreens.
The best is to look for chemical-free and “sensitive skin” formulas. Although is not entirely chemical-free, but they may have heavy concentrations of titanium or zinc oxide.
There’s no specific sun-protection factor (SPF) that’s best for sensitive skin, but recommend for everyone to use at least SPF 30++.

Choosing Cosmetics to Avoid Sensitive Skin Problems
Your face doesn’t have to go natural, but you might have to resort to trial and error to find skin-friendly cosmetics. Try these tips:
Choose foundations and other cosmetics that are fragrance free.
Consider hypoallergenic cosmetics. This help certain people with sensitive skin although is not completely allergenic free, because everyone have different types of skin and reaction but this will help reduce less people having a reaction.
Test new products. Try to apply near the inside of your elbow, if it doesn't irritate your skin after a week, than you can try it on your face. You can also use the patch test for other skin products, such as sunscreens and anti-aging creams.
Add one new cosmetic product at a time to your regimen. Try not to use a bunch of products at the same time so you can easily detect whats irritates you or not.
Anti aging Products for Sensitive Skin Care
Prescription retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, work well against wrinkles. But most people with sensitive skin don’t tolerate them well. So for sensitive skin people you should try much gentler options, like a nonprescription, milder things, that contain retinaldehydes, which fights anti aging. Another type of over-the-counter (OTC) vitamin A derivative.

Many women also try to rejuvenate their complexions with hydroxy acids, which exfoliate the skin. But for people with sensitive skin, results can be mixed.
Again, you may only discover how they affect your skin by trial and error.
Compare labels and look for a mild OTC product with a low percentage of hydroxy acids.
Although, Botanical ingredients can sound appealing and show up in many anti aging products, they’re usually not good for sensitive skin. They’re often composed of lots of different compounds, many of which can be irritating or cause allergies. Botanicals are not necessary in most of our skin-care products, particularly for people with sensitive skin.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

There are a lot of products that made or said that has shea butter, so whats the benefit in it that any other nuts or oils has that shea butter is more popular?  Is shea butter a greater or equally the same. It got me wondering what shea butter actually is and why everybody says it’s the best skin-healer and moisturizer around.

So I did a little research convinced me: Everybody needs to know about this fabulous stuff!

Shea butter is a solid fatty oil made from the nuts of Karite Nut trees, also known as Mangifolia, that grow in the semi-arid Savannah regions of west and Central Africa. Shea butter is so non-toxic and beneficial that it is used in foods and cooking as well as soaps and beauty products. 

Shea butter is highly emollient and moisturizing. Anecdotal claims suggest that it helps treats acne scarring, chapped lips, eczema, burns, rashes, stretch marks, wrinkles and helps reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. 

 Shea butter contains vitamins A, E and cinnamic acid. It's a wonderful healer and rejuvenator for troubled or aging skin. It also contains natural sun-protectants.

*Person with sensitivity to latex may consider patch testing prior to topical use of shea butter.