My First Blog ....

Hope everyone will enjoy my thoughts and feeling. Please, check out my other pages, on the side bar. Thank you!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cherishing my life this morning!

I woke up this morning, feeling kind of good. I felt blessed to be here and grateful to have certain things in my life. Although I'm not rich or have any idea what I am doing in my life right now, but thinking about all the positive things that had happen to me, made me happy and grateful!

I hope everything will turn out right next year and things will run smoothly! Until I know my purpose in life would be, I am still in a maze trying to figure out the way to get exit. When I am able to escape this maze things will still be confusing and a mess for me, but in the mean time I will think positive and try to be grateful that I am still alive and be able to see this world in greater depth!

I pray for everyone to have guidance to their future and happiness. If you ever feel lonely or unhappy, there is always someone that will hear you and listen to your prayers...look up and believe..things will turn out right once you think positive. You can only bring bad things to yourself if your always negative. Only positive things happen for positive people in this world. Once you understand that this world will be simple and easy to live upon.

Although I am still learning to be positive all the time, I try to look or think of all the greatness in life like your family and friends. Cherish those moments you have with them, when your down think of the things you have done with them in the past that make you laugh or happy, that really help get me through the hard times. When you do that happy things will definitely appear..SOON!!



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