My First Blog ....

Hope everyone will enjoy my thoughts and feeling. Please, check out my other pages, on the side bar. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Argh haven't Update anything for awhile!!

Well, sorry readers i haven't update for awhile been really busy with my life.
Did not have any mood to write or update....
I feel better now i guess, although there is still stuff i need to handle with my future career, at my age lot of things can go on a lot and thing might not go the things you wanted. I have been up and down, no safe or comfortable path...and i need to find what i want to do. I am not getting any younger so figuring things need to be fast and serious about everything i do, so it is hard when I am stuck in this position but once i get it straight, I will be happy and things will be more confusion or sadness of going certain directions. Hopefully I get that going starting next year, especially time has pass by super quick, I can't believe is already the end of the year. Feel like nothing had happen in my life and I feel like i wasted, so next year I need to cherish my time every day!!! ^_____^

Well, this song been helping me a lot and it reminds me of myself...feel like I'm singing this about me how i feel when things is not going right...all you have to do is don't give up and start over again...

I love Lady Gaga and I wish I get to meet her one day and go to her concert which i missed out when she went to Atlanta this year...I was stupid thought i was leaving for HK at the time so didn't buy it but i didn't leave yet which pissed me off bc she had her concert down the street from where i live >_<

I hope you guys Enjoy this as much as I do !! Because....

I’m gonna marry the night.
I won’t give up on my life.
I’m a warrior queen.
Live passionately tonight.

I'm gonna marry the dark.

Gonna make love to the stark.
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness.
I am a winner.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Gonna marry the night.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm not gonna cry anymore.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explore.

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.
Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.

I'm gonna lace up my boots
Throw on some leather and cruise
Down the street that I love
In my fishnet gloves
I'm a sinner.

Then I'll go down to the bar.
But I won't cry anymore.
I'll hold my whiskey up high
Kiss the bartender twice
I'm a loser.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm gonna marry the night.

I'm gonna marry the night.
I'm not gonna cry anymore.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explore.

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.
Ma-ma-ma-marry the night.

Nothing's too cool
To take me from you.
New York is not just a tan that you'll never loose.
Love is the new
Denim or black
Skeleton guns
Are wedding bells in the attic.
Get Ginger ready.
Climb to El Camino front.
Won't poke holes in the seats with my heels
Cuz that's where we make love.

Come on and run.
Turn the car on and run.

I'm gonna marry the night.
We're gonna burn a hole in the road.
I'm gonna marry the night.
Leave nothin' on these streets to explode.


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