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Thursday, December 1, 2011

There are a lot of products that made or said that has shea butter, so whats the benefit in it that any other nuts or oils has that shea butter is more popular?  Is shea butter a greater or equally the same. It got me wondering what shea butter actually is and why everybody says it’s the best skin-healer and moisturizer around.

So I did a little research convinced me: Everybody needs to know about this fabulous stuff!

Shea butter is a solid fatty oil made from the nuts of Karite Nut trees, also known as Mangifolia, that grow in the semi-arid Savannah regions of west and Central Africa. Shea butter is so non-toxic and beneficial that it is used in foods and cooking as well as soaps and beauty products. 

Shea butter is highly emollient and moisturizing. Anecdotal claims suggest that it helps treats acne scarring, chapped lips, eczema, burns, rashes, stretch marks, wrinkles and helps reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. 

 Shea butter contains vitamins A, E and cinnamic acid. It's a wonderful healer and rejuvenator for troubled or aging skin. It also contains natural sun-protectants.

*Person with sensitivity to latex may consider patch testing prior to topical use of shea butter.


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